Hi Friends, How would you like if your PC could read your mails or any document or even a piece of text? So here is the solution for all this ReadPlease 2003. Few features of ReadPlease: It is a simple text-to-speech software. It can read files with (*.txt) extension or even plain text(the text you…
All posts tagged smoy
UBCD for Windows
Hi Friends, It is really impossible for a person to say that his PC didn’t troubled him at least once in the past. And we all have experienced many kind of troubles like hard disk crash, boot crash, removal of boot files and many other. At that time we need something which can surely help…
Creating an invisible folder
Hi Friends, Many times we face problems while managing our files on a public computer. Due to which I discovered this method of creating an invisible folder, which can help us to a great extent. Let me tell you the method: Read the full article here.
W3C Validation
Hi Folks, You might have noticed this logo on some websites . Well, this logo means that the page you are surfing is created according to the norms given by W3C, for creating a XHTML Page. W3C has also given standards for HTML, XHTML, CSS and FEED. Read the full article here.
Hi Folks, Many a times while having a chat with our personal or professional friend, we come across with abbreviation like TTYL, ASAP, BRB and many more. And it doesn’t looks good all the time asking for an explanation. Read the full review here.